忽略差異中的Emacs自動生成的文件 (Ignore Emacs auto-generated files in a diff)


忽略 diff 中的 Emacs 自動生成的文件 (Ignore Emacs auto‑generated files in a diff)

如何讓 diff 忽略 foo.c~ 等臨時文件?是否有一個配置文件可以忽略臨時文件?

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diff ‑ruN ‑x *~ ...



方法 1:

This doesn't strictly answer your question, but you can avoid the problem by configuring Emacs to use a specific directory to keep the backup files in. There are different implementations for Emacs or XEmacs.

In GNU Emacs

    (defvar user‑temporary‑file‑directory
      (concat temporary‑file‑directory user‑login‑name "/"))
    (make‑directory user‑temporary‑file‑directory t)
    (setq backup‑by‑copying t)
    (setq backup‑directory‑alist
      `(("." . ,user‑temporary‑file‑directory)
        (,tramp‑file‑name‑regexp nil)))
    (setq auto‑save‑list‑file‑prefix
      (concat user‑temporary‑file‑directory ".auto‑saves‑"))
    (setq auto‑save‑file‑name‑transforms
      `((".*" ,user‑temporary‑file‑directory t)))

In XEmacs

    (require 'auto‑save) 
    (require 'backup‑dir) 

    (defvar user‑temporary‑file‑directory
      (concat (temp‑directory) "/" (user‑login‑name)))
    (make‑directory user‑temporary‑file‑directory t)
    (setq backup‑by‑copying t)
    (setq auto‑save‑directory user‑temporary‑file‑directory)
    (setq auto‑save‑list‑file‑prefix 
         (concat user‑temporary‑file‑directory ".auto‑saves‑"))
    (setq bkup‑backup‑directory‑info
      `((t ,user‑temporary‑file‑directory full‑path)))

You can also remove them all with a simple find command

    find . ‑name “*~” ‑delete

Note that the asterisk and tilde are in double quotes to stop the shell expanding them.

By the way, these aren't strictly temporary files. They are a backup of the previous version of the file, so you can manually "undo" your last edit at any time in the future.

方法 2:

You can create an ignore file, like this:

<more file patterns you want to skip>

and then run diff with ‑X option, like this:

diff ‑X ignore‑file <other diff options you use/need> path1 path2

There used to be a .diffignore file "close" to the Linux kernel (maybe an informal file), but I couldn't find it anymore. Usually you keep using this ignore‑file, just adding new patterns you want to ignore.

方法 3:

You can create a small sunction/script to it, like:


pushd $newdir
for files in $(find . ‑name \*.c)
  diff $olddir/$file $newdir/$file

This is only one way to script this. The simple way. But I think you got the idea.

Other suggestion is configuring in emacs a backup dir, so your backup files go always to the same place, outside your work dir!

方法 4:

The poster has listed this as the 'short answer':

diff ‑ruN ‑x *~ ...

but feeding this to shell will cause the * to be globbed before diff is invoked.

This is better:

diff ‑r ‑x '*~' dir1 dir2

I omit the ‑u and ‑N flags as those are matters of taste and not relevant to the question at hand.

(by Chris ConwayCheekysoftrnsanchezFernando BarrocalBret Weinraub)


  1. Ignore Emacs auto‑generated files in a diff (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#autosave #emacs #diff #backup #patch


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