rxjs減少不繼續 (rxjs reduce does not continue)


rxjs減少不繼續 (rxjs reduce does not continue)

我在 Angular 7 應用程序中有以下設置:

LoadInstances$ = this.actions$.pipe(
take(1), // <‑‑ solved my problem
switchMap((action: fromAppAction.LoadInstances) =>

switchMap(instances=>from(instances)), // flatten the array to single values
flatMap( // combine the instance with its UserData
    (inst,usr)=>({...inst, UserData:usr})
  (inst,settings)=>({...inst, Settings:settings})
tap(result=>console.log('before reduce:',result)), // <‑‑ this gets called 3 times (I have 3 instances)
reduce<Instance>((a, c) => [...a, c], []), // accumulate all results to one array
tap(result=>console.log('instances: ', result)), // <‑‑ this gets never called

本質上,我有一個實例數組,將它們展平,為每個實例調用 GetCurrentUserInfo 和 GetUserPersonalSettings,將結果添加為屬性到實例,然後想將它們累積回 Instance[]。

到目前為止,這有效,只是 reduce 函數不會繼續。我知道這是因為其他 observables 之一沒有完成。但怎麼可能呢?最初的 from(instances) 遍歷數組,然後應該完成,是嗎?並且對 GetPersonalSettings 的調用只是簡單的 httpClient.get() 調用,根據文檔,它是在成功調用後完成的單值可觀察對象。


[編輯] 掃描在這裡不是一個選項,因為我需要完整的實例數組才能繼續。[Edit2] toArray 和 reduce 有同樣的問題,它只會在前一個 Observable(s?) 完成時才發出結果。

無論如何:我不想改變這個設置因為它基本上可以工作。我只想了解哪個 Observable 沒有完成以及為什麼。這將解決我的問題。


方法 1:

Recently I learned about operator toArray, might simplify your code. You stream doesn't complete because stream before first switchMap is not completed

/* What is here? Probably still open stream? */
switchMap((action: fromAppAction.LoadInstances) =>

Quick try would be put first() or take(1) before first switchMap

(by joachim_bMaksim Romanenko)


  1. rxjs reduce does not continue (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#ngrx-effects #Angular #rxjs


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