Gallio用戶,您使用此工具有哪些優缺點? (Users of Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this Tool?)


Gallio 的用戶,您在使用此工具時體驗過哪些優點和缺點? (Users of Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this Tool?)

對於那些熟悉 Gallio 的人來說,您在使用此工具時遇到了哪些優點和缺點,所以‑叫測試自動化平台?


方法 1:

We're using Gallio/MbUnit for a year now. We're quite happy with it, the Gallio guys keep introducing cool new features and the development is active. If you decide to use it, here are some hints/notes:

  1. Buy yourself a TestDriven.NET license ‑ I think it is a must for Gallio unit tests, since Resharper test runner doesn't know how to run certain tests + Gallio has one of its test runners targeted for TD.NET.
  2. We use Gallio.Echo command line runner for CI scripts/builds. Gallio Icarus ‑ the GUI runner (at least the current version) is pretty unstable and not very user friendly.
  3. If you want to use the latest Gallio features (like parallel tests etc), be prepared to have to use the latest daily builds of Gallio. If this is an issue, keep to "official" builds, but we haven't had any real problems with daily build versions.
  4. I recommend adding the basic Gallio .DLLs and .EXEs to your source control. And actually reference these in your projects, not ones from GAC. This way you'll avoid any "works on my machine" problems if someone in your team has a different version of Gallio installed on his/her machine.

方法 2:

I tried Gallio as well and it runs much slower than either TDD.Net or the native NUnit GUI test runner. It is even slower than the Resharper runner!

I should add that I'm talking about running NUnit tests here.

I don't remember the exact numbers but it was taking around 3 minutes for the same tests, that NUnit finished in 30s (running on one thread, single process,multiple domain).

That in itself already makes it a no go. Add to that the bulky GUI and you know to stay way from it.

Some extra information:

  • In my solution I have NUnit tests and recently started adding MSpec specifications. I have the NUnit Gui open to automatically rerun my old tests (all new tests are written as MSpecs) after I recompile and the test dlls change.

  • I use TDD.Net to run my Mspec specifications.

  • This enables me to already continue working once my Specs have finished running while the NUnit Gui runner is still finishing.

方法 3:

When we evaluated Gallio, we experienced stability issues with large projects. Our smaller projects ran beautifully, however. Great concept...I think it will generate a big buzz once it's a bit more refined.

I might want to add that Resharper support was missing (or broken) for a while, but I've heard it's back.

方法 4:

The latest release of Gallio (3.0.6) has address a lot of the stability issues mentioned in the these posts. In particular, Icarus is much more stable now and has the ability to attach to the debugger built in, so it can be even faster to use than Resharper which recompiles the code before each test run.

方法 5:

It's terrible unstable, I used it about 3‑4 months ago it was terrible unstable and slow.

Now I've just tried it and it crashes when you click "Save", then it never opens again unless you go and clean up the "Local Settings", I assume it's still terrible unstable.

I wish they would stop adding new features and instead fix these rather obvious bugs.

P.S. Project got 1000~ unit tests and it's using nUnit (maybe it's just my nUnit and Gallio don't play well together )

I really want to use it and I've got 3.1 ‑ 313, I couldn't even save a project without getting a crash!

After all bad stuff advantages Here:

  • Great support for different flavours, I've used it for nUnit and mbUnit it's really good. It even support RowTest in nUnit very well.

  • GUI is pretty cool, clean

  • Got great features like setting working directory
  • Reporting & Integration

(by Troy DeMonbreunIgor BrejcThorsten LorenzKilhofferColin Desmonddr. evil)


  1. Users of Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this Tool? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#mbunit #Testing #gallio #integration


我可以圍繞 NUnit、MbUnit、xUnit 或其他測試框架創建一個包裝器嗎? (Can I create a wrapper around NUnit, MbUnit, xUnit or other testing framework?)

MbUnit / Gallio 上的 FixtureSetup 未運行 (FixtureSetup on MbUnit / Gallio doesn't run)

我可以使用我的 WatiN 測試來進行壓力測試嗎? (Can i use my WatiN tests to stresstest?)

Debug Unit Test bằng cách sử dụng Resharper 7 cho MBUnit ném ra một ngoại lệ (Debug Unit Tests using Resharper 7 for MBUnit throws an exception)

TestDriven.NET沒有運行我的MbUnit的SetUp方法 (TestDriven.NET is not running my SetUp methods for MbUnit)

Gallio用戶,您使用此工具有哪些優缺點? (Users of Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this Tool?)

你知道任何關於 MBUnit 的教程嗎? (do you know any tutorial for MBUnit?)

MbUnit:比較雙打最優雅的方式? (MbUnit: The most elegant way to compare doubles?)

如何將 MBUnit 測試添加到 CruiseControl.Net 配置文件 (how to add MBUnit test to CruiseControl.Net config file)

MbUnit 回滾 (MbUnit Rollback)

使用 MbUnit3 的 [Rollback] 對 NHibernate 與 SQLite 的交互進行單元測試 (Using MbUnit3's [Rollback] for unit testing NHibernate interactions with SQLite)

MbUnit.framework.dll 可並行化屬性 (MbUnit.framework.dll Parallelizable attribute)
