WSO2 ESB:無法從註冊表加載數據庫連接屬性 (WSO2 ESB: Unable to load DB connection properties from registry)
我有一個名為 basic.car 的汽車文件。這有一個名為 basicRegistry 的註冊表項目。我在這個項目中創建了 localentry 類型的註冊表資源,並將其命名為 DB_DRIVER 並在 gov 中將其值設為“org.postgresql.Driver”(也嘗試了相同的 conf)
現在在 dblookup 中介屬性中,我選擇了“基於註冊表的驅動程序配置”並將值輸入為
[2020‑02‑17 16:41:03,277 ] 錯誤 {org.apache.synapse.mediators.db.DBLookupMediator} ‑ 錯誤 DB 中介數據源:null.Registry entry defined with key: gov:dbconfig/DB_DRIVER not found.
方法 1:
To further analyze could you please provide the following information
- ESB version
- Synapse configurations related to DB lookup mediator
- Do you deploy the DBLookup mediator in a separate car file?
The car files are deployed in alphabetical order. If the registry resources and the DBlookup mediator configurations are deployed by two different car files make sure that registry resources are deployed prior to the synapse artifacts
(by ravi、Shanaka Premarathna)