尋找我和朋友之間最近的距離 (Finding nearest distance between me and friends)


尋找我和朋友之間最近的距離 (Finding nearest distance between me and friends)

我需要在 android.now 我有我的當前位置,我的意思是緯度、經度和朋友位置集找到最近的位置。我需要找到離我最近的朋友?誰能建議我如何在android中做到這一點?


方法 1:

Use Location class. It has a method called distanceTo(Location loc) to calculate the distance between two Locations.

Location myLocation = new Location("LocProvider");

//Same as above, Setup friendLocation 

float distance = myLocation.distanceTo(friendLocation);

Doc : http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Location.html#distanceTo(android.location.Location)

(by user3675519balachandarkm)


  1. Finding nearest distance between me and friends (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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尋找我和朋友之間最近的距離 (Finding nearest distance between me and friends)
