使用 8086 彙編計算 10 的階乘 (Computing the factorial of 10 using 8086 assembly)
我一直在嘗試使用彙編語言來解決這個問題。問題是我無法存儲 10 個!在 al
中,我的代碼可用於查找 5 的階乘。如何存儲 10 的結果!在註冊表中?當我找到 5 的階乘時,我可以在 al
中清楚地看到結果,因為 120 可以存儲在 al
這是我的 5 代碼!
org 100h
方法 1:
I tried to explain the algorithm to multiply a dword by a word in a 16‑bit environment here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28683170/3512216
An implementation that computes 10! and works also in EMU8086:
.STACK 1000h
decstr DB 16 DUP ('$') ; String is $‑terminated
main PROC
mov ax, @DATA ; Initialize DS
mov ds, ax
mov bx, 10 ; Factorial 10! = 3.628.800
xor dx, dx ; DX:AX=1 (first multiplicand)
mov ax, 1 ; Begin with 1
; for (dx:ax = 1, cx = 2; cx <= 10; cx++)
mov cx, 2 ; Incrementing multiplicator
call mul_dword_word ; DX:AX * CX ‑> DX:AX
inc cx
cmp cx, bx
jbe L1 ; While cx <= 10
; Print result
mov di, OFFSET decstr
call dword_to_dec
mov dx, OFFSET decstr
mov ah, 9
int 21h
; Exit
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
main ENDP
mul_dword_word PROC ; DX:AX multiplicand, CX multiplier
push dx
mul cx ; AX * CX ‑> DX:AX
mov si, dx ; Store high result
mov di, ax ; Low result won't be changed anymore
pop ax ; High word
mul cx ; AX * CX ‑> DX:AX
add ax, si ; Add high result from last mul to low result here
adc dx, 0
mov si, dx ; SI:DX:AX return value
mov dx, ax
mov ax, di
ret ; RET: SI:DX:AX result
mul_dword_word ENDP
dword_to_dec PROC ; ARG DX:AX DWORD, DI: offset of string
mov cs:target, di
mov si, ax
mov di, dx
; First Loop: get digits and push them
mov cs:counter, 0
mov bx, 10
inc cs:counter
xor dx, dx
mov ax, di ; High WORD
mov cx, ax
div bx ; DX:AX / BX ‑> AX Remainder DX
mov di, ax ; Store new high word
mul bx ; AX * BX ‑> DX:AX
sub cx, ax ; sub highest CX‑divisible value
mov dx, cx
mov ax, si ; Low WORD
div bx ; DX:AX / BX ‑> AX Remainder DX
or dl, 30h ; Convert remainder to ASCII
push dx ; Store remainder
mov si, ax ; Store new low WORD
or ax, di ; Anything more to process?
jnz LL1 ; yes: jump to LL1 above
; Second Loop: get back digits in reversed order
mov di, cs:target
mov cx, cs:counter
pop ax
mov [di], al
inc di
loop LL2
mov BYTE PTR [di], '$' ; Terminator for INT 21h/09h
counter dw 0
target dw 0
dword_to_dec ENDP
方法 2:
is 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1
For speed you can minimize the size of intermediate values by doing them in "big * little" pairs, like (1*10) * (2*9) * (3*8) * (4*7) * (5*6)
You can describe these pairs as the expression temp = x * (11 ‑ x)
(with values of x
from 1 to 5). If you know the result for x
(e.g. temp = 10
if x == 1
) then the result of the next pair can be derived from the result of the previous pair. E.g.:
temp1 = x * (11 ‑ x)
temp2 = (x+1) * (11 ‑ (x+1))
= (x+1) * (11 ‑ x ‑ 1)
= x * (11 ‑ x ‑ 1) + (11 ‑ x ‑ 1)
= x * (11 ‑ x) ‑ x + (11 ‑ x ‑ 1)
= temp1 ‑ x + (11 ‑ x ‑ 1)
= temp1 ‑ x ‑ x + 11 ‑1
= temp1 ‑ (x << 1) + 10
In other words; if you know that the result of "pair 1" (or 1*10
) will be 10, then you can calculate the result of the next pair (or 2*9
) by doing (10) ‑ (1<<1) + 10 = 18;
, then calculate the result of the next pair by doing (18) ‑ (2<<1) + 10 = 24
, then...
Note that there is no multiplication involved for calculating the pairs this way. After calculating the intermediate results from pairs (with add/sub alone), you end up with "10! = 10*18*24*28*30
For more fun; you can prove that all of these intermediate results will always be even. That means you can cheat and say "10! = 10*18*24*28*30 = 5*9*12*14*15 << (1+1+1+1+1) = 5*9*12*14*15 << 5
"; which is important when you're looking at doing more expensive "too big" multiplications later.
Because these intermediate values fit in 8 bits, we can do "pairs of pairs" just with two 16‑bit multiplications. "10! = (5*9) * (12*14) * 15 << 5 = 45 * 168 * 15 << 5
By multiplying the smallest intermediate values the result will still fit in 16 bits. "10! = 45 * 168 * 15 << 5 = (45*15) * 168 << 5 = 675 * 168 << 5
Now you only need to do one multiplication where the result is 32 bits but both operands are 16 bit. Real mode handles this perfectly fine with a single mul
instruction so that is no problem; it's just that the result will be stored in dx:ax
. Specifically, for 675 * 168 the result in dx:ax
will be 113400 (or 0x1BAF8, or 0x0001 in dx
and 0xBAF8 in ax
This gives us "10! = 113400 << 5
". For this it'll be a little awkward on an old "16‑bit only" CPU (where you can't just use 32‑bit instructions in real mode, including 32‑bit mul
). The best way for 8086 is probably using another register for a "right shift then or
" to get the bits from ax
into dx
; like:
mov cl,5
mov bx,ax
shl dx,cl
shl ax,cl
mov cl,16‑5
shr bx,cl
or dx,bx
For 80186 and later you can do it slightly better using "shift by immediate" to avoid using cl
, like shl dx,5
, but that isn't supported for 8086.
The result will be 3628800, which is the right answer.
Note that this same approach can be tweaked to handle other factorials ‑ for odd factorials you can ignore the *1
that doesn't actually do anything to ensure the intermediate results from pairs are still even (e.g. "11! = 1 * (2*11) * (3*10) * (4*9) * (5*8) * (6*7) = (2*11) * (3*10) * (4*9) * (5*8) * (6*7)
"). For all factorials (n!
); the intermediate calculation of pairs can be described as temp2 = temp1 ‑ (x << 1) + (n & (~1))
(I think ‑ didn't actually check); and the final shift will always be n/2
rounded down (e.g. for 11!
the shift count will be "(int)11/2 = (int)5.5 = 5
With 16‑bit multiplication alone it should be good up until 15!. For 16! and larger, the same techniques work to minimize the number of 32‑bit multiplications needed.
(by Riten Bhagra、rkhb、Brendan)