D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile 返回未知錯誤 (D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile returns unknown error)


D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile 返回未知錯誤 (D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile returns unknown error)


ZeroMemory( &loadInfo, sizeof(D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO) );
loadInfo.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;

ID3D10Resource *texture = NULL;
LPCWSTR imageFile = L"../test.bmp";
D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile( pD3DDevice, imageFile, &loadInfo, NULL, &texture, &hr);

if ( hr != S_OK )
    _com_error err(hr);
    LPCTSTR errMsg = err.ErrorMessage();
    MessageBox(mHwnd, errMsg, L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return false; 

問題是我無法獲取 D3Dx10CreateTextureFromFile 來創建有效的紋理。我得到的唯一錯誤是“未知錯誤 0x88790002”,所以我自己無法真正解決這個問題。我已經搜索並找不到任何相關的東西。

pD3DDevice 是一個有效且經過測試的 D3D10 設備。如果我註釋掉 D3Dx10CreateTextureFromFile 行,其他一切正常。

我是 Directx 的新手,因此不勝感激。

PS 我確實有所需的 .h 和 .lib 文件。


方法 1:

The old DirectX Error Lookup utility says HRESULT 0x88790002 is D3D10_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. Try using L"..\\test.bmp"; for the filename and double‑check that the current working directory is what you expect it to be.

Note that at this point there's very little reason to use Direct3D 10 at all. You should use DirectX 11. D3DX9, D3DX10, and D3DX11 are deprecated and are only in the legacy DirectX SDK. See MSDN. You should look at using one of the many open source replacements for legacy D3DX10.

(by squeakyChuck Walbourn)


  1. D3DX10CreateTextureFromFile returns unknown error (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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