我的氣泡代碼是彙編語言嗎? (is my code for bubble right at assembly language?)


我的氣泡代碼是彙編語言嗎? (is my code for bubble right at assembly language?)

org 100h

.Model SMALL 

  Ar DB 06h,05h,04h,02h

  Len DW ($‑Ar)


  Mov Ax,@Data
  Mov Ds,Ax
  Mov Bx,Len   ;length of the array 
  Dec Bx       ;total number of passes ( n‑1) 


  Mov Cx,Bx    ;total number of comparison 
  Mov Si,0     ;index=0

Nxtcomp:Mov Al,Ar[Si] ;read 1st number    
       Inc Si        ;update pointer
       Cmp Al,Ar[Si] ;compare 1st number with 2nd number
       Jb  No_EXCG   ;if same , noexchange 

      XCHG Al,Ar[Si]
      Mov Ar[Si‑1],Al ; do exchange

No_EXCG:loop Nxtcomp  ;repeat until comparison
        Dec  Bx
        JNZ  Nxtpass  ;repeat untill pass = 0; 



方法 1:

Your BubbleSort is good, but you could make it more secure if it could deal with an array of just one element, or even zero elements!
The code that will test for this can be combined with the outer loop logic:

    jmp   Start
    sub   bx, 1
    jnbe  Nxtpass

If there are no elements, the sub bx, 1 instruction will make CF=1 aka "Below".
If there's but 1 element, the sub bx, 1 instruction will make ZF=1 aka "Equal".
The jnbe Nxtpass instruction will only jump on the condition "NeitherBelowNorEqual" also known as "Above".

Cmp Al,Ar[Si] ;compare 1st number with 2nd number
Jb  No_EXCG   ;if same , noexchange 

The comment is misleading! Exchanging elements can be skipped on "Below" but also on "Equal". Better use jbe No_EXCG.

Programming style is personal but writing the mnemonics and register names with a leading capital is very, very unusual.

.Model SMALL 

  Ar db 06h, 05h, 04h, 02h
  Len equ $‑Ar


    mov   ax, @Data
    mov   ds, ax
    mov   bx, Len
    jmp   Start

    mov   cx, bx
    xor   si, si
    mov   al, Ar[si]
    inc   si
    cmp   al, Ar[si]
    jbe   No_EXCG
    xchg  al, Ar[si]
    mov   Ar[si‑1], al
    loop  Nxtcomp
    sub   bx, 1
    jnbe  Nxtpass

(by DurjoySep Roland)


  1. is my code for bubble right at assembly language? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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我的氣泡代碼是彙編語言嗎? (is my code for bubble right at assembly language?)
