進行飛行同步時的未知目標 (unknown target when doing a fly sync)


進行飛行同步時的未知目標 (unknown target when doing a fly sync)


Christoher:pipeline christopher$ fly ‑‑target chris login ‑‑team‑name chris ‑‑concourse‑url http://ld4370.mycompany.com



fly version (2.5.0) is out of sync with the target (2.4.0). to sync up, run the following:

fly ‑t chris sync


Christoher:pipeline christopher$ fly ‑t chris sync
error: unknown target: chris

起初,我有一個舊版本的fly。所以我在我的 /usr/local/bin 目錄中刪除了 fly,然後下載了最新的。現在,我領先於我在 VM 上安裝的大廳版本。我查看了 fly 文檔,但還沒有弄清楚如何解決這個問題。


方法 1:

As an immediate fix to your problem, you can download any version of fly from github https://github.com/concourse/concourse/releases.

方法 2:

Download/ update concourse and fly version 4 and below 4 Hi go to this website basically you need to install the relevant version https://gist.github.com/kevin‑smets/f20afd45a24ab3f88d01b2049ce7744f

for example: copy this command

curl ‑Lo fly https://github.com/concourse/concourse/releases/download/2.5.0/fly_darwin_amd64 && chmod +x fly && mv fly /usr/local/bin/

and changed the version v2.6.0 to v2.5.0 past it in the terminal and same goes for the below :

curl ‑Lo concourse https://github.com/concourse/concourse/releases/download/v2.4.0/concourse_darwin_amd64 && chmod +x concourse && mv concourse /usr/local/bin

and it should work. I had similar problem i wanted install the v4.2.2 and it worked. the idea is the get the same version

方法 3:

Download concourse & fly new version 5.0.0 on Mac do the following:

Download the latest version from concourse website https://mockersf.github.io/docs/download.html

then open finder press CMD + Shift + . it will make all your hidden files visible temporarily open your user/local/bin folder then drag the new version of concourse to the bin and click replace do the same for the fly and now go in command line press fly ‑‑version and you should see the new version

(by Chris BoltonJosh ZarrabiArian PopalyarArian Popalyar)


  1. unknown target when doing a fly sync (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



進行飛行同步時的未知目標 (unknown target when doing a fly sync)

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