Twitter的工作更新 (Twitter for work updates)


工作更新推特 (Twitter for work updates)

如果您每天或每周向項目負責人發送工作/進度報告,我想知道您是否會考慮使用 Twitter 或用於這些更新的類似服務。




方法 1:

Try Laconica: An open source Twitter‑like system you could run on your own servers.

方法 2:

Look at for a corporate version of twitter.

方法 3:

Maybe try campfire or basecamp.

方法 4:

We use Laconica on my team, it's very useful for those updates that you want to send to the whole team but aren't really worth wasting an email on.

Since only my team is using the installation of Laconica that we have, I take the RSS for the public feed and I integrated that into SharePoint.

So while the developers and PM's on our team use Twhirl to manage sending and recieving updates, management is still able to see the updates directly on our team site.

It's quite transparent in that nobody actually has to go to the Laconica instance I have setup to do anything except initially register.

Check out this post for information on how I integrated Laconica with SharePoint: How can I integrate Laconica update stream into SharePoint?

方法 5:

What about confidentiality and information security? I'm certain a company run IM service would be a better alternative.

I've viewed Twitter and similar services to be used as marketing tools to engage customers and prospects.

(by cringegeorgebrockAndrewseanyboyEric Schoonoverspoulson)


  1. Twitter for work updates (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#knowledge-management #project-management #project-planning


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Twitter的工作更新 (Twitter for work updates)

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