system.js 是否在我的 javascript 中添加內容? (Is system.js adding stuff to my javascript?)


system.js 是否在我的 javascript 中添加內容? (Is system.js adding stuff to my javascript?)

我正在嘗試讓 JQWidgets 工作。它有一個 jsxcore.js 文件,該文件定義了以下變量:

 var jqxBaseFramework = window.minQuery || window.jQuery;

然後在其他文件中,使用此變量。但是我收到一個錯誤,說 jqxBaseFramework is not defined in the next file.

我注意到當我 system.import 一個文件時,這添加到它的頂部:

  (function(require, exports, module, __filename, __dirname, global, GLOBAL) {


system.js 是這樣做的嗎?如果是這樣,是否有解決範圍問題的方法?



方法 1:

Is system.js doing this?


If so, Is there a work around to the scope issue?

Yes. SystemJS is a module loading system. You treat your files as encapsulated modules. You should throw away the concept of globals.

Should you want to expose a value from a module, you export it. Should a module need a value from a certain module, you require it. Read more about CommonJS to know more about how this mechanism works.

(by VaccanoJoseph)


  1. Is system.js adding stuff to my javascript? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#systemjs #javascript #jqwidget


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