控制器沒有來自中間件的更改請求 (Controller doesnt have the alter request from the middleware)


控制器沒有來自中間件的更改請求 (Controller doesnt have the alter request from the middleware)


public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    $profileLocal = ProfileLocal::where(
        'id', JWTHelper::tokenExtractProfileLocalID($request‑>token)

    if (empty($profileLocal) || $profileLocal‑>status‑>email_verified == 0 || $profileLocal‑>status‑>blocked == 1) {
        return $this‑>respondError('You dont have access to this store', 336);

    $request‑>profileLocal = $profileLocal;

    return $next($request);

但是,當我嘗試訪問 $request‑>profileLocal 在我的控制器中:

public function deviceSet(DeviceRequest $request)

如果我嘗試 dd(request()‑>profileLocal) 它工作正常,即使在我的 DeviceRequest 中我也會返回 null?有誰知道我在這裡可能做錯了什麼?我注意到如果我在控制器中使用 request()‑>profileLocal 它會按預期工作


方法 1:

I was told that if I use:

$request‑>attributes‑>add(['profileLocal' => $profileLocal]);

In my middleware and then access it using:


It works, I dont know if this is the correct way though.

方法 2:

If you want to add add a value to the request and be able to access it as a property you can add it to the underlying request property:

    'profileLocal' => $profileLocal

// or $request‑>request‑>add(compact('profileLocal'))

Then you'll be able to access the value in your controller with:


This value will also be included when you call methods like all() or input().

(by Dev DanielDev DanielRwd)


  1. Controller doesnt have the alter request from the middleware (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#laravel-middleware #Laravel #PHP


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控制器沒有來自中間件的更改請求 (Controller doesnt have the alter request from the middleware)

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