Yahoo、Gmail、Hotmail 和 AOL 是否有白名單? (Are there white lists for Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and AOL?)


Yahoo、Gmail、Hotmail 和 AOL 是否有白名單? (Are there white lists for Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and AOL?)

在我的網站(正在開發中)中,成員可以互相發送消息,這些消息直接發送到他們的電子郵件,現在我擔心某些成員可以向其他成員發送垃圾郵件(我有一個垃圾郵件過濾器,但它沒有'不提供 100% 保護,如您所知),我擔心我的域可能會在 Yahoo、Gmail、Hotmail 或 AOL 上被列入黑名單,這將導致從我的域發送的任何郵件最終進入垃圾郵件文件夾,這就是為什麼我想將我網站的域添加到他們的白名單中(如果存在)。

PS 我不想使用會員在網站上查看的私人消息,我有這樣做的理由。




方法 1:

Your email might not be considered "bulk" because it sounds like it's one‑>one as opposed to one‑>many, but these bulk mail help resources might still be helpful:

As Bevan mentioned, your task will be an ongoing one to keep your site clean on various services.

Not sure if you're already considering this, but you can send the email "on behalf of" the requesting user (i.e., set the from and reply‑to fields to the user who is sending the message).

方法 2:

While there may be whitelists used by those sites, I suspect that they only contribute to whatever scoring system is in use ‑ being on the list won't be sufficient in itself.

The overall controlling factor will be the "reputation" of your site ‑ you need to work to ensure that reputation stays sound.

Unfortunately for your workload, I think this will be an ongoing task, not a one‑off.

(by Waleed EissaBrianCBevan)


  1. Are there white lists for Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and AOL? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#hotmail #whitelist #gmail #yahoo


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