WSO2 EI 和節點 JS (WSO2 EI and NODE JS)
我的後端目前有一些rest api供前台使用,現在他們要求我通過WSO2 Enterprise集成的ESB集成它們。我已閱讀 WSO2 EI 文檔,但找不到問題的解決方案。如果有人可以幫助我找到有關如何操作的文檔,我將不勝感激。
方法 1:
Based on your wording I get the idea you disagree? :) First you need to understand the goal of the ESB, which is (amongst others)
- connecting 3th party applications
- providing a layer of abstraction (offering throttling, security and access control)
In your case your existing API is working fine and you are not bothering with any of the extra features yet so I'd suggest you create a 'pass‑through' API which just forwards the message to the API backend and sends the response back.
Normally you would use the Developer Studio tooling to create a project, but in this case I'd suggest you start out with logging in on the WSO2 carbon console (https://hostthatrunstheESB:9443/carbon) and click 'APIs‑>Add API' in the menu. An example would be:
<api context="/francosapi" name="ExampleAPI">
<resource methods="GET" uri‑template="/test">
<address url="http://yourapiurl.local" />
(by franco pina、Jan)