更新的索引和 css 字體沒有改變 (Updated index and css font not changing)


更新的索引和 css 字體沒有改變 (Updated index and css font not changing)



這是我的自定義 css:

fiddle: 1963jety

它仍然顯示為 arial 字體。


方法 1:

Try to use font‑weight: 400 because Fjalla One is only 400 Normal.

方法 2:

Yea, I need to see your code. If it's not updating, something is probably wrong with your css code. It may not be written correctly.

方法 3:

Include this code in your CSS file:

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fjalla+One);

Which will import the font, then:

      font‑family: Fjalla One;

(by coderforthepeoplelukas.hotovyuser1445657CrabLab)


  1. Updated index and css font not changing (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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