你如何存儲所有你學到的東西和你想保留的信息? (How do you store all the things which you've learnt and information you want to keep?)


你如何存儲所有你學到的東西和你想保留的信息? (How do you store all the things which you've learnt and information you want to keep?)


您是創建自己的 wiki 還是使用像 wikidpad,或者將它們保存為純文本、書籤、pdf、網頁等...?還是您只是將 google/SO 視為您的巨大知識庫並僅在需要時進行搜索?

您可能會發現類似的 https://stackoverflow。


方法 1:

Blog about it. That way you'll always have it no matter where you are, and that information gets shared with others.

方法 2:

I use Tiddlywiki to keep all of my development notes together, other than notes or handouts that I might get at a meeting that I want to keep. Those go into a folder for the particular project and I add a reference to them in my Tiddlywiki so that they don't get lost in the shuffle. I tag everything with a limited set of tags (rather than going overboard with the tagging, I have a set of 15 tags that cover the projects and categories I need) so I can get back to them quickly.

Works for me.

Otherwise, I blog about them as needed, use drive indexing for massive searching across lots of stuff, and keep a short daily summary of activities (1 or 2 lines) for better recall.

方法 3:

There are several solutions that I have seen people use successfully:

  • blog about it (as others have noted here)
  • maintain a Wiki (local or hosted)
  • keep it in a plain text file
  • use Backpack
  • use a hosted office solution (Google docs, Zoho)
  • email it to yourself in Gmail (yes, really :) well, makes stuff easily search able)

I personally use a TiddlyWiki (easy to use; very good search) which I carry around in a USB pen drive and which is also checked in to my SVN repository; and a small "notebook" (created from here) which fits neatly in a wallet, to jot down things when I am not near a computer.

方法 4:

Start a wiki. ScrewTurn is what I use.

方法 5:

I've been storing my notes in Google Documents(google.com/docs). I've tried wikis but the cost of setup and maintenance hasn't been justified yet. I may need to look further into this option as my set of notes get larger.

Another thing to consider is ye olde programmer's physical notebook. Paper and pencil should never been underestimated in this digital age.

(by blizpastaDan HerbertitsmattAmit K MathurRobert DemlAntonio Haley)


  1. How do you store all the things which you've learnt and information you want to keep? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



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你如何存儲所有你學到的東西和你想保留的信息? (How do you store all the things which you've learnt and information you want to keep?)

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