使用顫振包有缺點嗎? (Is there a downside for using flutter packages?)


使用顫振包有缺點嗎? (Is there a downside for using flutter packages?)




方法 1:

As long as you are using good healthy packages (like from Google/Dart team and other well maintained packages), there isn't anything you need to worry about.

There is no significant performance issue you'd notice when using more and more packages but yes the size of your app will definitely increase.

You can find the health of package on pub.dev

enter image description here

(by Elia. DCopsOnRoad)


  1. Is there a downside for using flutter packages? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#flutter-packages #Flutter


使用顫振包有缺點嗎? (Is there a downside for using flutter packages?)

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