如何通過 Storage Facade(在 Laravel 5 中)獲取下載文件的進度條? (How to get a progress bar for downloading a file via Storage Facade (in Laravel 5)?)


如何通過 Storage Facade(在 Laravel 5 中)獲取下載文件的進度條? (How to get a progress bar for downloading a file via Storage Facade (in Laravel 5)?)

您好,這是我用於使用 Laravel5 和 Storage Facade 為虛擬磁盤下載文件的代碼(非常簡單):

//implemented as a Artisan Console command
$contents = Storage::disk('remoteDisk')‑>get($filePath);
Storage::disk('csv')‑>put($filePathTarget, $contents); 


$bar = $this‑>output‑>createProgressBar($count);
//do something
//i'm done



  $size_remote = Storage::disk('remoteDisk')‑>size($filePath);
  $size = Storage::disk('csv')‑>size($filePath);



方法 1:

It's doable, but you are going to need JavaScript.

Also it's been answered already on StackOverflow here.

(by koalaokAlex)


  1. How to get a progress bar for downloading a file via Storage Facade (in Laravel 5)? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Laravel #progress-bar #storage #download


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