iOS Google Play Games SDK - 如何邀請好友加入社交圈? (iOS Google Play Games SDK - How to invite friends to social circles?)


iOS Google Play Games SDK ‑ 如何邀請好友加入社交圈? (iOS Google Play Games SDK ‑ How to invite friends to social circles?)

最近,Apple 的 Game Center 真的下架了,所以我在我的 iOS 遊戲中添加了對 Google Play Games 排行榜和成就的支持。我自己通過使用 GPGLeaderboard 類下載分數來顯示排行榜。有一個名為“social”的屬性可以讓我下載朋友的分數 ‑ “社交排行榜是由本地玩家圈子內的人過濾的公共排行榜。” 是否有 API 可以讓我邀請其他玩家加入我的遊戲,以便我可以在這些社交排行榜中看到他們?我不確定人們應該如何建立這些社交圈?


方法 1:

Check this documentation: Starting a real‑time multiplayer game.

  • Invite players button. Lets the user invite friends to join a game session or specify some number of random opponents for auto‑matching. When the player selects this option, your app should display either the built‑in player selection user interface (UI) provided by the SDK or a custom UI for player selection.

You might also want to check on this GPGLeaderboard Class Reference wherein leaderboard objects must be created with a leaderboard ID. Once a leaderboard object is created, you may interact with it using the provided set of actions.

(by user2136772abielita)


  1. iOS Google Play Games SDK ‑ How to invite friends to social circles? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#google-play-games #iOS


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