ms訪問表單:組合框到多選下拉菜單 (ms access form: combobox to multiselect dropdown menu)


ms訪問表單:組合框到多選下拉菜單 (ms access form: combobox to multiselect dropdown menu)

我有一個幾年前為我的公司製作的 ms 訪問數據庫。我正在嘗試將表單條目從組合框更改為多選組合框(複選框)。目前,只能保存一個值,我希望能夠保存多個值。





方法 1:

In your Combo/List boxes property sheet, go to 'Other' and set 'Multi Select' to 'Simple'. This allows the multi select.

In VBA, to get the count of the selected items, 0 for none use something like this:

count = Me.mycombo.ItemsSelected.Count

And then you can loop through each item to check if it is selected:

For i = 0 to Me.mycombo.ListCount ‑ 1
    if Me.mycombo.Selected(i) = True then
        value = Me.mycombo.ItemData(i) ' gets the data
        ' DO STUFF WITH IT
    End If
Next i

(by AlexWLGfx)


  1. ms access form: combobox to multiselect dropdown menu (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Combobox #ms-access-forms #Database #multi-select #ms-access


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