Laravel 中間件“僅”為每條路線觸發 (Laravel middlware 'only' fires for every route)


Laravel 中間件“僅”為每條路線觸發 (Laravel middlware 'only' fires for every route)

無論我做什麼 crud middlware 總是被解僱。但是,只有在聲明了 $crud 數組並且只針對它包含的路由時才應該觸發它。但是,並非每次都會觸發。即使我說 $crud = []; 但是如果我聲明 ['only' => ['route1', 'route2']] 然後它按預期工作。


class BaseController extends Controller
     * Routes which DO NOT load users notifications.
     * @var Array Routes without notifications.
    public $notifications;
     * Routes which DONT require users account to be configured.
     * @var Array Routes needing configuration.
    public $configured;
     * Routes which REQUIRE ownership of resource.
     * @var Array CRUD routes.
    public $crud;

    public function __construct()
        $this‑>middleware('auth', ['except' => $this‑>routes]);
        $this‑>middleware('configured', ['except' => $this‑>configured]);
        $this‑>middleware('notifications', ['except' => $this‑>notifications]);
        $this‑>middleware('crud', ['only' => $this‑>crud]);


方法 1:

Looking at Laravel code it seems that when you use:

$this‑>middleware('crud', ['only' => []]);

Laravel will always use this middleware (for all Controller methods) so you should not middleware with empty only option.

So you should modify this contructor:

public function __construct()
    $this‑>middleware('auth', ['except' => $this‑>routes]);
    $this‑>middleware('configured', ['except' => $this‑>configured]);
    $this‑>middleware('notifications', ['except' => $this‑>notifications]);
    if ($this‑>crud) {
        $this‑>middleware('crud', ['only' => $this‑>crud]);

and in child controllers that extend from BaseController you should do something like this in constructor:

public function __construct() {
   // here you set values for properties
   $this‑>routes = ['a','b'];
   $this‑>configured = ['c'];
   $this‑>notifications = ['d'];
   $this‑>crud = ['e','f'];

   // here you run parent contructor

(by Sterling DuchessMarcin Nabiałek)


  1. Laravel middlware 'only' fires for every route (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#laravel-middleware #laravel-5 #Laravel #PHP #laravel-routing


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Laravel 中間件“僅”為每條路線觸發 (Laravel middlware 'only' fires for every route)

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訂閱者中間件路由允許公眾查看所有受限頁面 (Subscriber middleware route allowing public to view all restricted pages)
