您如何保存您正在從事的項目的狀態信息? (How do you keep the state information of the projects you're working on?)


您如何保存您正在從事的項目的狀態信息? (How do you keep the state information of the projects you're working on?)


  • 在項目恢復工作時必須記住或寫入然後檢索的任何信息(例如,第二天早上上班的時候,或者晚上開始做副業的時候)。

  • 例如,當你打開項目/解決方案時如何,在哪裡以及您以什麼形式保存信息下一步要做什麼,當前任務的上下文信息,以便繼續其工作。項目/任務管理系統並非旨在處理這種詳細程度的事情,因此我不能使用現有的一些作為我的項目的基礎。我嘗試過使用 FreeMind(思維導圖)或 ThinkingRock(完成工作)之類的軟件,但它不起作用。

  • 我需要(而且我認為很多有意識的開發人員會對類似的系統感到高興)是可以用來以類似於日誌的形式保存信息的東西。我已經閱讀了一些關於開發人員/程序員日誌和工程師日誌的一般概念的文章,但從那以後我仍然無法實現適合我需要的東西。

  • 系統不僅可以用於純開發,還可以用於更多涉及更多研發的學術項目,儘管有更多研發部分的商業項目(閱讀和嘗試多本書、文章和論文中的東西)。

  • 項目進度的信息必須以某種方式記錄下來,以便查找參考、代碼、


    方法 1:

    try Notepad.exe, one log document per project. Or use Word. Or a wiki, Or whatever.

    the key is not to find fancy software, the key is the self‑discipline to keep the log up to date!

    方法 2:

    I have the same requirements and I have moved from a text file to Google Docs. This gives me a couple of advantages:

    • I can access it from anywhere
    • Simple formatting

    I have one file called todo and other files for my notes, usually named in a consitent naming convention such as:

    • product.name.ideas
    • product.name.todo
    • product.name.questions

    In my todo file, I group by date (when I should work on something or finish it) and prefix them with a 3‑4 character code to indicate 'who' is is for. For instance:

    . WAITING . . PROD1: Review code

    .MONDAY . . HOME: Go to bank . . HOME: Send bills . . PROD2: Write requirements

    .TUESDAY . . PROD2: Review with team

    I only plan for one week out, and keep sections such as "Later", "Much Later", "I Wish" at the end.

    方法 3:

    I just use MS Word as a log, and insert links to other files where appropriate. Most of the time, that with a notebook suffice to allow me to pick up a project by reading through the latest entries.

    方法 4:

    I find a ruled notebook and pen work just fine. I often annotate the margins with icons indicating priority or notes to follow up on later. I think the main thing is to be consistent.

    方法 5:

    Depends on the project and whether or not the notes are to be shared. I keep my personal notes using pen and paper. Quick and it's easy to add illustrations and references.

    Shared notes and FAQ‑type tribal knowledge I prefer to use a wiki or development blog for. The blog format is great to provide a timeline and (tagged) references.

    (by SingulusSteven A. LoweJasonElieTim HennekeyHank)


    1. How do you keep the state information of the projects you're working on? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#knowledge-management #project-management


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您如何保存您正在從事的項目的狀態信息? (How do you keep the state information of the projects you're working on?)

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