為什麼在 HTC Smart 上無法檢測手機品牌和型號? (Why does not detecting phone make and model work on HTC Smart?)


為什麼在 HTC Smart 上無法檢測手機品牌和型號? (Why does not detecting phone make and model work on HTC Smart?)

I can not seem to detect handset make and model on the Brew MP phone HTC Smart?  (Same as Dopod F3188 and HTC F3188.)


Only empty strings are returned. What could be the problem? 


方法 1:

This is a problem with the HTC Smart. I used conditional compiling for that handset instead.

(by Prof. FalkenProf. Falken)


  1. Why does not detecting phone make and model work on HTC Smart? (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

#brew-framework #brewmp


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為什麼在 HTC Smart 上無法檢測手機品牌和型號? (Why does not detecting phone make and model work on HTC Smart?)

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