對於來自兩個不同集合的項目的一對一分配,UI/UX 模式及其優缺點是什麼? (What are UI/UX patterns and their pros/cons for 1-to-1 assignments of items from two different sets?)


對於來自兩個不同集合的項目的一對一分配,UI/UX 模式及其優缺點是什麼? (What are UI/UX patterns and their pros/cons for 1‑to‑1 assignments of items from two different sets?)


  • 每輛車可以分配給 0 或 1 個司機。
  • 可以為每個司機分配到 0 或 1 輛車。

什麼是合適的 UI/UX 模式?



方法 1:

Important Gotchas

  1. When you're managing multi‑list selection you need to be very specific about context ‑ is this going to be on a narrow screen such as a phone or portrait tablet? Narrow screens are often poor for side‑by‑side lists.

  2. This sounds like quite an industrial application ‑ is it done in a setting where people are standing or walking and may be jostled? Drag‑n‑drop can lose things half‑way.

One idiom is a copy‑paste variant where tapping an item in one list selects it and you either can tap another item, or some other cancel zone or tapping in the second list pastes the connection.

If the lists are long, offer an option to show only the free items so you can focus on those left to be assigned. That can be a simple toggle, maybe three‑way between All/Free/Set.

(by FlinschAndy Dent)


  1. What are UI/UX patterns and their pros/cons for 1‑to‑1 assignments of items from two different sets? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#bipartite #assign #user-interface #set #user-experience


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對於來自兩個不同集合的項目的一對一分配,UI/UX 模式及其優缺點是什麼? (What are UI/UX patterns and their pros/cons for 1-to-1 assignments of items from two different sets?)

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