將 Nx 工作區部署到 Google App Engine (Deploying Nx workspace to Google App Engine)


將 Nx 工作區部署到 Google App Engine (Deploying Nx workspace to Google App Engine)

我的 Nx 應用在本地運行良好,但部署到 GAE 時失敗並出現以下錯誤:

sh: 1: exec: nx: not found

它找不到 dependencies 下列出的 nx(不是 devDependencies),因為 GAE 沒有安裝這些。

我的 package.json 裡面有這個:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "nx serve api",

所以當 GAE 運行 npm run start 時它會失敗。我嘗試直接指定 nx 的路徑,但嘗試使用 node_modules/nx/bin/nx 來引用它,但這也失敗了。

I'我想知道如何讓 GAE 使用 nx 為應用程序提供服務。



方法 1:

I am using Nx@13, here are steps to deploy to GAE:

  1. Add "generatePackageJson": true, to production executor, it will generate a package.json in dist/apps/serviceA/package.json

  2. GAE will look for scripts:{"start:"your way to start nodejs app "} or server.js if the start script not found. You will have to write a script to add scripts:{"start:"node main.js"} into the generated package.json in #1

  3. In cloudbuild we will have to execute GAE deploy command in dist/apps/serviceA folder, luckily cloudbuild step supports dir

  4. </ol>


      ‑ name: node:16‑bullseye
        entrypoint: npm
        args: ['install']
      ‑ name: node:16‑bullseye
        entrypoint: npm
        args: ['run', 'lint', '${_SERVICE_NAME}']
      ‑ name: node:16‑bullseye
        entrypoint: npm
        args: ['run', 'test', '${_SERVICE_NAME}']
      ‑ name: node:16‑bullseye
        entrypoint: npm
          ['run', 'build', '${_SERVICE_NAME}', '‑‑', '‑‑configuration=production']
      ‑ name: node:16‑bullseye
        entrypoint: bash
            'node tools/prepare‑gcp‑app‑engine.js ‑‑serviceName=${_SERVICE_NAME}',
      ‑ name: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud‑sdk:376.0.0‑slim
        dir: dist/apps/${_SERVICE_NAME}
        entrypoint: gcloud
          ‑ app
          ‑ deploy
          ‑ app‑engine.yaml
          ‑ ‑‑version=$SHORT_SHA
          ‑ ‑‑promote
          ‑ ‑‑stop‑previous‑version
          ‑ ‑‑quiet
      _SERVICE_NAME: game‑api

    Source code demo

    (by Nightwolfvanduc1102)


    1. Deploying Nx workspace to Google App Engine (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#nrwl #node.js #nrwl-nx #google-app-engine


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