有人知道任何知識庫開源嗎? (Anybody knows any knowledge base open source?)


有人知道任何知識庫開源嗎? (Anybody knows any knowledge base open source?)



方法 1:

How about one of the many wikis?

Kenny: I've used FlexWiki & ScrewTurn (abandoned).

someone else with RepPower to edit my post added this. Wikipedia is powered by MediaWiki.

方法 2:

I have used phpMyFAQ and found it to be very good.

方法 3:

In addition to MediaWiki that was mentioned by Kenny, you might also look at MoinMoin.

Choosing between MediaWiki and MoinMoin can be a bit tough. Here are some points to consider:



  • Made for wikipedia, thus is very mature and scalable.
  • Fairly easy to set up.


  • Made soley for wikipedia. Thus it can be a bit of a pain to customize how you like it.



  • Very mature software.
  • Huge amount of plugins and third party modules available.


  • Can be a pain to install.

There are a huge amount of other wikis available, but those are the main two I would consider.

方法 4:

Since I don't have enough reputation points to comment on Bruno Shine's answer, I'll add this note as a new answer.

KBPublisher 2.0 is still available on Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kbpublisher/

The project hasn't been updated for years. I've been running it since v1.9 or something, and it works fine.

方法 5:

I believe that phpMyFAQ is the most useful KB I have seen so far ( from open‑source ). It is simple, straight‑forward KB software, is it PHP => can be easily installed on any server and can be customized if you know a bit of php. In addition it is made simple enough but with correct priorities and logic. I suggest to install it and play with it, I did and I decided to stay with this KB.

(by TonykennyBP.Jason BakerDaniel.SMeIr)


  1. Anybody knows any knowledge base open source? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#knowledge-management #open-source


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有人知道任何知識庫開源嗎? (Anybody knows any knowledge base open source?)
