如何在 Brew 上檢測手機品牌和型號信息? (How to detect phone handset brand and model info on Brew?)


如何在 Brew 上檢測手機品牌和型號信息? (How to detect phone handset brand and model info on Brew?)

How do I runtime detect which make and model a phone is, which is running Brew or Brew MP?


方法 1:

This should work if you have USB logging enabled

printdevinfo(s, AEE_DEVICEITEM_MODEL_NAME); 

and if printdevinfo is defined like this:

static void printdevinfo(IShell* s, int id) 
    AECHAR* pItemBuff;
    int nItemLen = 0; 

    pItemBuff = (AECHAR*)MALLOC(nItemLen); 
    if (!pItemBuff) return; 
    ISHELL_GetDeviceInfoEx(s, AEE_DEVICEITEM_MANUFACTURER_NAME, pItemBuff, &nItemLen); 
    DBGPRINTF("id_%d: '%S'", id, pItemBuff); 


(by Prof. FalkenProf. Falken)


  1. How to detect phone handset brand and model info on Brew? (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

#brew-framework #Version #brewmp #C


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