AirWatch MDM 與 Xamarin ipa (AirWatch MDM with Xamarin ipa)


AirWatch MDM 與 Xamarin ipa (AirWatch MDM with Xamarin ipa)

我們目前正在將一些使用 Xamarin.iOS 構建的移動應用程序添加到我們的 AirWatch MDM 企業商店。不幸的是,它並沒有表現出應有的行為:我們觸發了設備上的下載,它下載了應用程序,但它沒有安裝在設備上。我們檢查了設備日誌,我們似乎在配置文件或代碼簽名方面存在問題。

其他人是否已經將 Xamarin.iOS 與 AirWatch MDM 一起使用?如果是,那麼您如何構建您的 ipa 文件?目前我們為 armv7+armv7s 構建它們,所有程序集鏈接,使用 LLVM,我們使用 AppStore 模式構建。

當我們在配置文件中使用 UDID 以 AdHoc 模式構建應用程序並通過 iTunes 添加它時它正在安裝和運行良好。也許有必要採用 AdHoc 方式,使用這個 ipa 文件,引用所有 UDID,或者,我們應該走 InHouse 的路嗎?


方法 1:

I haven't used AirWatch but I do currently use the Enterprise program (with ad‑hoc builds) for internal company apps. I had the same issue when I tried using the wrong provisioning profile when signing the application.

方法 2:

Yes I have been using Xamarin with Airwatch for two years. I have no problem deploying applications to the field. I routinely provide updates for the programs and in most cases they are 100% deployed in a matter of a couple of days. The majority of the last forced deployment completed in less than 8 hours.

It sounds like it might be the way you are uploading the application into Airwatch. Are you requiring something that is not on the user's device such as a passcode?

I have about 240 IOS devices deployed with a mixture of OS (6.0 ‑ 8). I do not build the apps for the AppStore. I can see where that could be an issue with the deployment methodology. When you deploy via IPA in Airwatch, it is assuming you are deploying enterprise applications. When I deploy an AppStore program I use the catalog and they install via the AppStore.

Our IPA's work either via iTunes or through Airwatch. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

(by Fabienvaldeterouser3329182)


  1. AirWatch MDM with Xamarin ipa (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#airwatch #mdm #iOS #xamarin.ios #xamarin


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