追踪有用的信息 (Tracking Useful Information)


跟踪有用信息 (Tracking Useful Information)

這裡聰明的程序員會做些什麼來跟踪他們從多年經驗中獲得的方便的編程技巧和有用的信息?諸如有用的編譯器參數、IDE 快捷方式、巧妙的代碼片段等。

當我查找一兩年前我曾經知道的東西時,我有時會感到沮喪。我最喜歡的 IE 可能代表了 1990 年代後期 Internet 的很大一部分,所以顯然這不是有效的(至少對我而言)。還是我只是變老了?



方法 1:

Two Things I do:

  • I blog about it ‑ this allows me to go back and search my own blog.
  • We use the code snippet feature in Visual Studio.


方法 2:

I use:

  1. Google Notebook ‑ I take notes for projects, books I'm reading, etc
  2. Delicious + Firefox plug in ‑ Every time I see a good page I mark it.
  3. Windows Journal (in tablet pc) ‑ When I need to draw something and then copy/cut/paste it. I have more distractions here, the web is always very close :)
  4. Small Moleskine paper notebook ‑ Its always with me.
  5. Big paper notebook ‑ When I need more space to write and less distractions.

Obviously these are for all useful information, not just for snippets or tips and tricks.

方法 3:

Why not set up a Wiki?

If you are on windows, i know that ScrewTurn wiki is pretty simple to deploy on a desktop/laptop. No database to fuss around with.</p>

方法 4:

Blog about it.

One of the nice side‑effects of blogging is that if you use a sensible categorization or tagging system, it's quite easy to search for stuff within your blog. The fact that you wrote about it also makes it easier to remember problems you have encountered before ("hey, I blogged about that!").

That's a great benefit aside from, of course, being able to share this information publicly so that others might be able to find your solution to a particular problem using Google.

方法 5:

A number of people I know swear by Google Notebook

(by Steve MVaibhavArtur CarvalhoLars MæhlumJon LimjapCheekysoft)


  1. Tracking Useful Information (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



項目規劃,開發人員筆記工具 (Project planning, Note taking tool for developers)

做“程序員”筆記的有效方法是什麼? (What are the efficient ways to take "programmer" notes?)

追踪有用的信息 (Tracking Useful Information)

不會鎖定您的記事工具 (Notekeeping tool that doesn't lock you in)

您如何開始知識轉移? (How do you start Knowledge Transfer?)

Twitter的工作更新 (Twitter for work updates)

信息檢索的移動上下文 (Mobile Contexts for Information Retrieval)

開始一個新項目,知識管理的理想方式? (Starting off on a new project, the ideal way for knowledge management?)

在 python 中尋找與錯誤跟踪器集成的知識庫 (Looking for knowledge base integrated with bug tracker in python)

你如何存儲所有你學到的東西和你想保留的信息? (How do you store all the things which you've learnt and information you want to keep?)

您如何保存您正在從事的項目的狀態信息? (How do you keep the state information of the projects you're working on?)

有人知道任何知識庫開源嗎? (Anybody knows any knowledge base open source?)
