Windows 上的 X.509 證書入門 (Primer for X.509 certificates on Windows)


Windows 上的 X.509 證書入門 (Primer for X.509 certificates on Windows)

我目前正在研究通過 WSE 3.0 或 WCF 對 SOAP 消息進行加密和簽名的主題。由於我沒有參與過涉及公共 Internet 的分佈式應用程序開發,因此我發現我對 X.509 證書及其在 Windows 證書存儲機制中的工作原理缺乏了解。這與非對稱密碼學無關;這是關於PKI生態系統的。

因此我想收集一些文章或書籍來全面解釋Windows的安全機制,如何正確使用和管理證書存儲,CA信任鏈,以及 WSE 或 WCF 等 API 如何交互和使用證書。推薦?


方法 1:

Everyone using (or thinking of using) X.509 certificates should be forced to read this: Everything you Never Wanted to Know about PKI but were Forced to Find Out, as well as X.509 Style guide, both by Peter Gutmann.

方法 2:

I think the base starting point to understanding the Windows implementation of PKI has to come from TechNet

PKI segment‑us/library/cc757327(WS.10).aspx

Certificates overview‑us/library/cc784662(WS.10).aspx

Certificate services‑us/library/cc783511(WS.10).aspx

Certificate templates‑us/library/cc758496(WS.10).aspx

方法 3:

"Learning WCF" by Michele Bustamente has a good overview chapter on WCF security, including some basic discussion on X.509 certificates.

方法 4:

From the MSDN:

How to: Decrypt XML with x509

How to: Encrypt XML with x509

(by icelavaTeddyicelavang5000mirezus)


  1. Primer for X.509 certificates on Windows (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#wse #x509 #certificate #pki #wcf


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Windows 上的 X.509 證書入門 (Primer for X.509 certificates on Windows)
