
Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming

Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming

作者 Alexander Alvin / 出版社 O'Reilly


The Agile Codex: Re-Inventing Agile Through the Science of Invention and Assembly

The Agile Codex: Re-Inventing Agile Through the Science of Invention and Assembly

作者 McCormick Michael / 出版社 Apress


Beginning Java 17 Fundamentals: Object-Oriented Programming in Java 17

Beginning Java 17 Fundamentals: Object-Oriented Programming in Java 17

作者 Sharan Kishori Davis Adam L. / 出版社 Apress


Hands-On Github Actions: Implement CI/CD with Github Action Workflows for Your Applications

Hands-On Github Actions: Implement CI/CD with Github Action Workflows for Your Applications

作者 Chandrasekara Chaminda Herath Pushpa / 出版社 Apress


Functional Thinking: Paradigm Over Syntax (Paperback)

Functional Thinking: Paradigm Over Syntax (Paperback)

作者 Neal Ford / 出版社 O'Reilly


Pmp Project Management Professional Exam Certification Kit: 2021 Exam Update

Pmp Project Management Professional Exam Certification Kit: 2021 Exam Update

作者 Heldman Kim Mangano Vanina / 出版社 Sybex


Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, 6/e (Paperback)

Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML, 6/e (Paperback)

作者 Alan Dennis Barbara Wixom David Tegarden / 出版社 Wiley


Lean UX: Creating Great Products with Agile Teams 3/e

Lean UX: Creating Great Products with Agile Teams 3/e

作者 Jeff Gothelf Josh Seiden / 出版社 O'Reilly


Software Architecture Metrics: Case Studies to Improve the Quality of Your Architecture

Software Architecture Metrics: Case Studies to Improve the Quality of Your Architecture

作者 Ciceri Christian Farley Dave Ford Neal / 出版社 O'Reilly


Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business (Paperback)

Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business (Paperback)

作者 David J. Anderson / 出版社 Blue Hole Press


Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1: A System of Patterns (Hardcover)

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1: A System of Patterns (Hardcover)

作者 Frank Buschmann Regine Meunier Hans Rohnert Peter Sommerlad Michael Stal / 出版社 Wiley


Object-Oriented Design Choices

Object-Oriented Design Choices

作者 Dingle Adair / 出版社 CRC


Cocoa Design Patterns (Paperback)

Cocoa Design Patterns (Paperback)

作者 Erik Buck Donald Yacktman / 出版社 Addison Wesley


Domain Storytelling: A Collaborative, Visual, and Agile Way to Build Domain-Driven Software

Domain Storytelling: A Collaborative, Visual, and Agile Way to Build Domain-Driven Software

作者 Hofer Stefan Schwentner Henning / 出版社 Addison Wesley


Code That Fits in Your Head: Heuristics for Software Engineering

Code That Fits in Your Head: Heuristics for Software Engineering

作者 Seemann Mark / 出版社 Addison Wesley


Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster

Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster

作者 Farley David / 出版社 Addison Wesley
