
Pro PHP 8 MVC: Model View Controller Architecture-Driven Application Development

Pro PHP 8 MVC: Model View Controller Architecture-Driven Application Development

作者 Pitt Christopher / 出版社 Apress


PHP 8 Revealed

PHP 8 Revealed

作者 Engebreth Gunnard / 出版社 Apress


React and Libraries: Your Complete Guide to the React Ecosystem

React and Libraries: Your Complete Guide to the React Ecosystem

作者 Elrom Elad / 出版社 Apress


Cloud-Based Microservices: Techniques, Challenges, and Solutions

Cloud-Based Microservices: Techniques, Challenges, and Solutions

作者 Rajasekharaiah Chandra / 出版社 Apress


Beginning Ruby 3: From Beginner to Pro

Beginning Ruby 3: From Beginner to Pro

作者 DiLeo Carleton Cooper Peter / 出版社 Apress


Learn Rails 6: Accelerated Web Development with Ruby on Rails

Learn Rails 6: Accelerated Web Development with Ruby on Rails

作者 Notodikromo Adam / 出版社 Apress


XML and JSON Recipes for SQL Server: A Problem-Solution Approach

XML and JSON Recipes for SQL Server: A Problem-Solution Approach

作者 Alex Grinberg / 出版社 Apress


Source Code Analytics With Roslyn and JavaScript Data Visualization

Source Code Analytics With Roslyn and JavaScript Data Visualization

作者 Sudipta Mukherjee / 出版社 Apress


JavaScript with Promises (Paperback)

JavaScript with Promises (Paperback)

作者 Daniel Parker / 出版社 O'Reilly


CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition

CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition

作者 Conklin Wm Arthur Shoemaker Daniel / 出版社 McGraw-Hill Education


Go Programming Language for Dummies

Go Programming Language for Dummies

作者 Lee Wei-Meng / 出版社 For Dummies


Enterprise Content and Search Management for Building Digital Platforms

Enterprise Content and Search Management for Building Digital Platforms

作者 Shivakumar Shailesh Kumar / 出版社 IEEE
