用於確定 Windows 和 Office 版本的快速命令或批處理腳本 (quick command or batch script to determine Windows and Office version)
I need to do a software audit of more than 300 computers that are neither on the same network, or owned by the same company.
Is there an command or small program (that can be run without installing) that I can email to the end‑users to run that will output the MS Windows and MS Office versions?
方法 1:
One possible way of obtaining the current Windows Version and Microsoft Office version is to query the system registry entries using command line.
To get the windows version using System registry , use the following command:
reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "ProductName"
This will give an output which can be parsed to get the current windows version/name.
To get the current office version , use:
reg query "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application\CurVer"
The output of this command gives the office version in number format such as 14, 15, etc.
Parse the output to get the version number and match against the list of existing Microsoft office versions to get the name of the version installed:
Office 97 ‑ 7.0
Office 98 ‑ 8.0
Office 2000 ‑ 9.0
Office XP ‑ 10.0
Office 2003 ‑ 11.0
Office 2007 ‑ 12.0
Office 2010 ‑ 14.0
Office 2013 ‑ 15.0
Office 2016 ‑ 16.0
Hope this helps!!
方法 2:
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%O in ('ftype ^|findstr /r /I "\\OFFICE[0‑9]*" 2^>nul') do (
set "verp=%%~O"
goto :end_for
for %%P in (%verp%) do (
set "off_path=%%~dpP"
for %%V in ("!off_path:~0,‑1!") do (
set "office_version=%%~nV"
goto :end_for2
echo %office_version%
does NOT require administrator permissions and works on Windows XP and above
方法 3:
I use this to grab version 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=3 delims=." %%a in ('reg query "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application\CurVer"') do set reg=%%a
set /a i=0
for %%b in (11 12 14 15) do (
if %%b == %reg% goto setver
set /a i+=1
set /a n=0
for %%c in (2003 2007 2010 2013) do (
if !n! == !i! set ver=%%c && goto endloop
set /a n+=1
echo Microsoft Version: %ver%
方法 4:
And 1 more using npocmaka's code but adding in a map to make it more user friendly:
@echo off
call :GetOfficeVer
exit /b
::@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%O in (
'ftype ^|findstr /r /I "\\OFFICE[0‑9]*" 2^>nul') do (
set "verp=%%~O"
goto :end_for
for %%P in (%verp%) do (
set "off_path=%%~dpP"
for %%V in ("!off_path:~‑3,2!") do (
set "off_ver=%%~nV"
call :Map !off_ver! && exit /b
set "v=%1"
set "map=11‑2003;12‑2007;14‑2010;15‑2013"
call set v=%%map:*%v%‑=%%
set v=%v:;=&rem.%
echo Microsoft Office Version: %v%
exit /b
方法 5:
To get the office version under Windows 10, this is quite elegant:
for /F "tokens=3 delims=." %%O in ('reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application\CurVer') do set _officeVer=%%O
Does not require admin rights and works also on xp and above
(by Reece、r3ap3r、npocmaka、Helper、Matt Williamson、Alex Metcalfe)