打開具有特定顏色和標題的 CMD (Open CMD with specific color and title)


打開具有特定顏色和標題的 CMD (Open CMD with specific color and title)

我最近開始學習批處理,想寫一個腳本,用特定的顏色和標題打開 CMD。這段代碼打開了我的 CMD 和另一個普通的 CMD!我怎樣才能擺脫普通的 cmd?

Start CMD
title Hacker's CMD
color 04


方法 1:

start cmd /k title Hacker's CMD^&color 04

The /k parameter executes the commands and leaves the cmd window open. To pass several commands use an escaped command separator ^& so that the separation occurs in the launched cmd, not in the original batch file.

(by user5589479wOxxOm)


  1. Open CMD with specific color and title (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#scripting #prompt #Command #batch-file


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