TIGER shapefile - 使用和解釋 (TIGER shapefiles - using and interpreting)


TIGER shapefile ‑ 使用和解釋 (TIGER shapefiles ‑ using and interpreting)

我知道 多年前的美國 GIS TIGER 文件格式,但從未使用過。


  • 我在哪裡可以獲取信息 ‑ 是否有教程、示例查詢等?




方法 1:

As far as I'm aware of, there aren't many applications that make use of the TIGER/Line format directly. Most apps use TIGER files that have been translated into ESRI's shapefile format.

Edited to add:

Is there information on ESRI's format available?

There's an ESRI whitepaper describing the file format.

If you're planning to use shapefiles in an application, there are various libraries out there.

方法 2:

The OpenStreetMap project imported TIGER data, you might find useful code snippets there. See the TIGER page on the OpenStreetMap wiki for more information and links

(by Adam DavisChris UpchurchPaul Dixon)


  1. TIGER shapefiles ‑ using and interpreting (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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