- initialize a store(global state)
- setup reducers: reducer(state = initState, action) => { return new state}
- dispatch: call store
- https://redux.js.org/introduction/getting-started
- https://www.redux.org.cn/docs/basics/ExampleTodoList.html
const reducer = (state = [], action) {
case 'ADD':
retrun [ [...state], action.payload]
previous state + action => return new state
state: 資料
action: 定義執行的動作與新的資料
reducer: 透過 action.type 決定要做什麼事, action.payload 帶入新資料
let store = createStore(reducer)
a sotore hold the state
const action = {
type: 'ADD',
payload: {
id: 'user56',
name: '王仁甫'
binding subscribe store to component
force component re-render when props value changed
react-redux connect