Day05: GraphQL - Types and Schema wiht node.js

Day04 建置好的繼續玩下去:)

1. Query types and fields

  • 把 schema.js and index.js 加工
  • 可以更加瞭解 GraphQL 整個的港絕~

  • index.js

     import express from 'express';
     import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql';
     import schema from './schema';
     const app = express();
     app.get('/', (req, res) => {
         res.send("GraphQL is amazing");
     const root = { friend: () => {
         return {
             "id": 123456, 
             "firstName": "Marry",
             "lastName": "Henri",
             "Gender": "Male",
             "language": "English",
             "emails": [
                 { email: ""}, 
                 { email: ""}]
     app.use("/graphql", graphqlHTTP({
         schema: schema,
         rootValue: root,
         graphiql: true,
     app.listen(8080, ()=> console.log("Running server on port localhost:8080/graphql"));
  • schema.js

    • 下面 emails: ! 代表必寫

      import { buildSchema } from 'graphql';
      const schema = buildSchema(`
          type Friend{
              id: ID
              firstName: String
              lastName: String
              gender: String
              language: String
              emails: [Email]!
          type Email {
              email: String
          type Query{
              friend: Friend
      export default schema;

2. Query and Mutation types

  • 把 schema.js and index.js 再次加工

  • index.js

     import express from 'express';
     import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql';
     import schema from './schema';
     const app = express();
     app.get('/', (req, res) => {
         res.send("GraphQL is amazing");
     class Friend {
         constructor(id, {firstName, lastName, gender, language, email}){
    = id;
             this.firstName = firstName;
             this.lastName = lastName;
             this.gender= gender;
             this.language = language;
    = email;
     const friendDatabase = {}
     const root = {
         friend: () => {
             return {
                 "id": 123456,
                 "firstName": "Marry",
                 "lastName": "Henri",
                 "Gender": "Male",
                 "language": "English",
                 "emails": [
                     { email: "" },
                     { email: "" }
         createFriend: ({input}) => {
             let id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); // random create id
             friendDatabase[id] = input;
             return new Friend(id, input);
     app.use("/graphql", graphqlHTTP({
         schema: schema,
         rootValue: root,
         graphiql: true,
     app.listen(8080, () => console.log("Running server on port localhost:8080/graphql"));
     import express from 'express';
     import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql';
     import schema from './schema';
     const app = express();
     app.get('/', (req, res) => {
         res.send("GraphQL is amazing");
     class Friend {
         constructor(id, {firstName, lastName, gender, language, email}){
    = id;
             this.firstName = firstName;
             this.lastName = lastName;
             this.gender= gender;
             this.language = language;
    = email;
     const friendDatabase = {}
     const root = {
         friend: () => {
             return {
                 "id": 123456,
                 "firstName": "Marry",
                 "lastName": "Henri",
                 "Gender": "Male",
                 "language": "English",
                 "emails": [
                     { email: "" },
                     { email: "" }
         createFriend: ({input}) => {
             let id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); // random create id
             friendDatabase[id] = input;
             return new Friend(id, input);
     app.use("/graphql", graphqlHTTP({
         schema: schema,
         rootValue: root,
         graphiql: true,
     app.listen(8080, () => console.log("Running server on port localhost:8080/graphql"));
  • schema.js

     import { buildSchema } from 'graphql';
     const schema = buildSchema(`
           type Friend{
               id: ID
               firstName: String
               lastName: String
               gender: String
               language: String
               email: String
           type Query{
               friend: Friend
           input FriendInput{
             id: ID
             firstName: String!
             lastName: String
             gender: String
             language: String
             email: String
           type Mutation{
               createFriend(input: FriendInput): Friend
     export default schema;
  • 去看一下自己寫的然後塞入資料看看:

  • 重構一下

    • 新增一個 resolvers.js

       class Friend {
           constructor(id, {firstName, lastName, gender, language, email}){
      = id;
               this.firstName = firstName;
               this.lastName = lastName;
               this.gender= gender;
               this.language = language;
      = email;
       const friendDatabase = {}
       const resolvers = {
           getFriend: ({ id }) => {
               return new Friend(id, friendDatabase[id]);
           createFriend: ({input}) => {
               let id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); // random create id
               friendDatabase[id] = input;
               return new Friend(id, input);
       export default resolvers;
    • schema.js

       import { buildSchema } from 'graphql';
       const schema = buildSchema(`
             type Friend{
                 id: ID
                 firstName: String
                 lastName: String
                 gender: String
                 language: String
                 email: String
             type Query{
                 getFriend(id: ID): Friend
             input FriendInput{
               id: ID
               firstName: String!
               lastName: String
               gender: String
               language: String
               email: String
             type Mutation{
                 createFriend(input: FriendInput): Friend
       export default schema;
    • index.js

        import express from 'express';
        import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql';
        import schema from './schema';
        import resolvers from './resolvers';
        const app = express();
        app.get('/', (req, res) => {
            res.send("GraphQL is amazing");
        const root = resolvers;
        app.use("/graphql", graphqlHTTP({
            schema: schema,
            rootValue: root,
            graphiql: true,
        app.listen(8080, () => console.log("Running server on port localhost:8080/graphql"));

其實我也是跟著影片學 XD 
Linkedin Learning
七天~ 逼一下自己




學習 Git (3) - 開始版控的最後一步:Commit

學習 Git (3) - 開始版控的最後一步:Commit

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